Lottery Result 08 September 2024 | Ohio Lottery

Ohio Lottery Results as of 8th September, 2024 declares Winning numbers for several Lottery games, conducted by Ohio Lottery Department. It includes Pick 3, Pick 4, Rolling Cash 5, Powerball and many more.

Draw NameWinning Results
Cash Pop Midday04
Cash Pop Evening49
Pick 4 Midday7 1 7 5
Pick 4 Evening3 6 2 7
Pick 3 Midday3 4 4
Pick 3 Evening7 9 3
Kicker9 7 5 6 0 6
Rolling Cash 57 21 23 33 37
PowerBall8 9 23 29 62
Mega Millions34 55 59 65 70
Lucky For Life3 7 19 24 38
Classic Lotto5 14 30 36 43 49

Different Lottery Games

Ohio lottery conducts 8 Lottery games in total, among which 5 are In-House and rest 3 are Multi-State game.
The Ohio Lottery is run by Ohio Lottery Commission, comprises Pick 3, Pick 4, Rolling Cash 5, Powerball and many more.


This has highest counts of Jackpot prizes. For playing Powerball game, all you need to do is-

Choose any 5 numbers from 1 to 69 & one Powerball number between the number 1 to 26 (Red Balls ). Using Quick Pick Feature, you can continue to play Powerball on your App.
There are other ways to play the Powerball draw online by simply downloading the Ohio App & registering your account.

Mega Millions

This is another Multi-State Lottery game which is most Popular among the Ohio players. The cost of each ticket is about $2 and with a ticket players can play 2 Chances.

Pick 3

First time players can play the game. Different wagers are available to play the game,

  • Straight – Try to match all the three numbers in perfect order.
  • Front Pair – Needs to match 2 numbers in their perfect order.
  • Back Pair – Needs to match last 2 numbers.
  • Six-Way Box – Predict 3 numbers in any of the order.

Pick 4

Choose any box between Straight & Boxed bets, create Backup bet. And choose as many numbers you want to bet for. Out of the total 6 wagers – Straight, 24-way box, 12-way box, 6-way box and 3-way box, play with any of these.

Pick 5

Alike Pick 3 & Pick 4, Pick 5 comprises of certain number of wagers to proceed with in the online gameplay, It is restricted to 50 Cents or $1 for every play.
There’s another feature of the Gameplay – Pair Bets, that include Front four, Back Four, Front three and back pair.

Rolling Cash

Select 5 numbers between 1 to 39 and need to match minimum 2 numbers. Correct matching of three numbers may win you $10, while four matches will win you $300. If all the numbers are matched correctly, then you can win $100,000.

Classic Lotto

Pick any 6 numbers from 1 to 49 such that you bet for $1 million prize. For each wager, you need to pay about $1. Through Kicker feature, players can choose an extra Dollar. On chooosing 6 numbers in a row, players can get chance to win $100,000.

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