why is it so hot in India right now 2024

Scorching heat in the month of June is nothing new in India, but this heat in 2024 is proving to be extraordinary. Because of this, people’s public health and daily life is being affected. Is this scorching heat indicating some big problem in the future? Let us know.

Reason of extreme heat wave in 2024

Due to rapid climate change in India, the heat wave is continuously increasing. Its biggest impact is being seen in North India because in some areas the heat has reached 50 degrees Celsius. Scorching heat can be a sign of some big problem in the future. This is a matter worth considering.

There are two main reasons for the extreme heat in India this year 2024:

  • El Nino: 2024 is expected to experience a strong El NiƱo, a weather pattern associated with warmer than average sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. It disrupts global weather patterns and contributes to extreme heat events across the world, including India.
  • Deficient rainfall: The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) predicted normal rainfall over India overall, but with a delay in the arrival of monsoon. This lack of rain, combined with the El Nino effect, has led to hotter and drier conditions than normal.

These factors are exacerbating India’s moderate warming, which will become even more severe in 2024. Some areas, such as northwestern India, are expected to see above-normal heatwave days throughout June as well.

Heat wave in India 2024 map

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